- Week Eight in Status Updates: The Final Stretch to Ulaanbaatar – We made it!
- Week Seven in Status Updates: Siberia to MONGOLIA
- Week Six in Status Updates: Kazakhstan and Russia
- Week Five in Status Updates: Pamir Highway to Kyrgyzstan
- Week Four in Status Updates: Uzbekistan and Tajikistan
- Week Three in Status Updates: Azerbaijan, the Caspian and Turkmenistan
- justin on Week Three in Status Updates: Azerbaijan, the Caspian and Turkmenistan
- amona on Private: Touring the Ecolution hemp factory in Kluj, Romania
- amona on Private: Touring the Ecolution hemp factory in Kluj, Romania
- Ramona on Private: Touring the Ecolution hemp factory in Kluj, Romania
- Fay on Private: Touring the Ecolution hemp factory in Kluj, Romania
- Fred Hornaday on Private: Touring the Ecolution hemp factory in Kluj, Romania
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Sponsored Duckies
Pauline - Cheryll & Robert Berg
Calvin - Pamela Marten
Megistan - Megan Tracz & Matt Mendell
Emcee Pern - Matt Perna
Trevington - Kara Passamonte
Dartsmith - Bill Sachman
TJ Morris - Anna Hall
Bonne Chance - Erin & Dondi Harner
Hunter - Lisa Shell
Judy - Peter Baughman
Mir - Laura Volk
Mary Jane - Mary Jane Sieczkos
Phil - Phil Pamel
Diane - Diane Fleming
Walden - Julie Tran
King Bob - Bob Kestler
Francis - Lynda Mueller
Honey Badger - Ann Buckley
Chris - Chris Perry
Maddox - Mark & Sharon Hills
Goodwine - Jackie Goodwine
Puddle Duck - Roy Andrews
Dixie - Laurie Andrews
Sir Ben Kingsley - Beth Winslow & Marc D'Amico
Margaret - Margaret Chauncey
Walter - Megan Wright
Kingpin - Ken Davis
Rosie - Lola Stockmaster
Munchkin - Joyce Stephenson
Milky Way - Greg & Bobbie Hover
Blondie - Kristen Hitt
Moffittesto - Ann Moffitt
Wildcard - Timothy Reese
Oliver - Joan & David Oliver
Katie & Jimmy - Kathy Ballester
Wonder Twins - Johnathan Walton
Queasy - Dan Mulcahy
Phil Dale - John, Libby & Addison Thompson
Princess Dubber Rucky - Courtney Clark
Cobra Cadrette - Gary Cadrette
Maddy - Jen & Adam Schwabrow
Jacowie - Sue Delgatti
Dream - Tom & Denise Indrick
Dottie - Michelle Brown
Stripes - Stripes
Maurice & Reggie - Steve Stockmaster
Weenus - Meghan Macrae & Mark Covert
Chel-Kel - Kelly & Chelsea Reed
Chuck - Steven Levins & Ed Popil
Turkey - Kyle & Tricia
Dan Akroyd - Carol Roberts
Gina Davis - Matthew Myers
Mister James Diver - Dan Lilly & John Gasper
Groucho - Steve, Nancy, & Mark Mancini
Brutus & Liza - Derrick VanGrol & Ryan Grevell
Jorge - Steve, Ann Margaret, & Ian
Farts - David French
Lucky - Katie Del Core
Ducky - Uday Sehgal
Rochester Famous - BJ Scanlon
Vegas - Karen Olmstead
Big Dave - Joanne & Dave Johnson
Jack - Samantha Seerman
DJ Petau - Peter Davis
Angela Prodrick - Angela Prodrick
Elsie - Jane Paton
Bea Arthur - Ann Fortune
Schnur - Dan Schnur
Brianna Brush - Bill Bement
Quackers - Roy & Christine Andrews
Diva - Marjorie & Ernest Jones
Huell Howser - Brian Saa
Elvis - Erin, Danica, & Eleanor Nett
Genghis Duck - Tyler Tadej & Mallory Marotz
Rush - Reality Rush
Dynamite - Justin Walter
The Kurn - Lauren Kurnit
Freddy - Samantha Appell
Donatello - Alex Colby
Leonardo - Green Team
Flipster - Plaid Team
Quacker - Tie-Dye Team
Lindsay Lohan - Silver Team
A journey of 10,000 miles begins with a single flap - Red Team
The Hut - Black Team
Spring Break '97 - White Team
Orangey - Orange Team
Uncle Sam - Team USA
Zesty - Purple Team
High Five - The Babcock Family
Wood - Jennifer Wood
Poo - Joey McAdams
Liz Kratzer - Vijay Singh
ROSIE - Steven Tropiano & Steven Ginsberg
Squeakers - Grace VanPutt
Mr. Ducky Face - Tyler VanPutt
Clara Belle - Michael Kinney
Oscar - Allison Gainzer
Jeffrey Gander-ews - Cary Kingdom
Nack Mallard - Kyle Jamieson & Beth Maurer
Bea - Dave Carlson
Uncle Bill Borchardt - Eric Sturr
Teegan - Ken & Janet Klamm
Goose - Scott & Allison Graboski & Family
Tom Duck 1 & Tom Duck 2 - Tom Dudycz
Beyonce - Marci Buehler
Marlo - Marlo Verdin
Honey Pot - Connie Harse & Ray Strischek
Minnie D. Duck - Vicki Keller
Lisa Felix - Ann Buckley
Beagle Boy - Alexander Peña
Horton - John Shafer
Raccoon-in-a-Trashcan - Stephanie, Nick, Kevin & Lindsey Domanico
Burt & Elmo - Bob & Kathy Burt
George - Gail Morrison
Via-Duck - Tim & Carol Shea
Zelda - Jim Kempkes
Herman - Toby Birney
Bailey - Bailey Kuykendoll
Ortiz - Jared J. Smith
Duke Duck - Dave "The Duke" Warburton
Leighton - Christiana Shorter
Quackers - Ali Spagnola
Sir Quacks-a-Lot - Mike Wechsler & Megan Keenan
Scout - Jenna Ott
Scott Carmichael - The Bakers
Lil Brick - Sally Bricker
Low Down Duckie - Will & Sharon Tracz
Fun in a Fiat - Derrick VanGrol
NorahBean - MaryJane & Dave Cowell
Fort Burt - Joan & Bob Burt
Union College & Women's Basketball Team - MaryEllen Burt
Grass Valley - Terry & Pete Andrews
Nova - Carla & Gerry Grzywacz
Red Rider - Phoebe Morris
Goodrai - Padmini Harchandrai
Sparky - Shari DiProspero
Susquehanna Slimie & Owego Creekie - Cliff & Joanne Gray
Helen Connolly & Anthony Connolly - Bob & Cheryl Berg
Richard The Duck - Zach Bogardus
Steve 2 - Dave Henion
Ahwaga - Pat Shafer
Suck.My.Duck - Margaux Dubuar
Henry - Tom Leach
Smike - Mike Smith
Tical - Seph Ternes
Toby Roos - Amanda Gulick
The Duck of Edinburgh - Steve Medlock
Lee-Lock! - Sara Berg
Moritz - Bob & Karen Furman
Ms. Millie - Karen Furman
Fuel Pump Duck - Dale McAtee
Beautiful Creature - Amy Devers
Tag Archives: costumes
Checking Out Prague…then Czeching Out
We spent our third day on the road in Prague: simply beautiful. We did our best impression of tourists and walked among this gorgeous city before heading to the “Czech Out” party. We recommend stopping to see Prague’s “Bridge Band” … Continue reading
Posted in Mongol Rally
Tagged costumes, czech out party, czech republic, european launch, prague
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